Sunday, April 16, 2006

Ride to Brighton

Have been running late with some marionette designs for a customer in Brighton so I thought I would take a cycle over there and deliver them by hand.

my racing bike

My fitness levels (and weight) are anything but consistent, in my best moments I have run a 3.42 Marathon, 1.45 half marathon and time trialled (cycling) a 27.55 10 miler.
Although I will never be an elite athlete, when I try I can put in some reasonable times but recently my fitness levels have gone to pot. So today was the start of a new regime (where possible) to get fit and drop a few kilos. The ride today with a few detours was 31 miles and I did it in 2hrs -3mins and while this is pretty poor as cycling goes it was a good start for me especially as there were a few hills to contend with including this one

In the afternoon, as a treat and to replace some of the expended calories we met friends at Dolly's Pantry for some tea and cakes.

Current weight: 91kg
Target: 78- 80kg

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